Friday, January 24th, 2025 09:51:24 PM EST


for EverGreenCoin transactions


You can use the EverGreenCoin transaction explorer, another free service with your EverGreenCoin address, to track your transactions on the EGC network and blockchain public ledger. Search for any transaction ID and it will display the results of that transaction for you. You can also search by EGC address. Keep in mind, the internal functions of staking moves your staked coins to other addresses from within your own address keypool. For this reason, if you stake your coins, coins may not always be at the address you expect to find them at.

If you have questions or need assistance, please use the support popup at the bottom of the website. We will be glad to help!

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Putting economics to work for our ecosystem

By possessing EverGreenCoin you become the backing of EverGreenCoin. Your support in doing so helps all of our initiatives. By mining (aka 'Staking') you help even more and are rewarded for your computational work. Participants and donors are free to trade or sell EGC on the secondary markets. EverGreenCoin Foundation, Inc. does not receive any profits or financial benefits from these or any sale or trade of EGC on the secondary markets.