Monday, February 10th, 2025 03:00:25 PM EST

Directory of EverGreenCoin

EGC friendly organizations and projects


Here you will find a collection of green thinking organizations and businesses we happily & proudly support!

Businesses or organizations that would like to be represented in the EverGreenCoin Directory our invited to reach out to us or submit the addition yourself and as you would like the information displayed. We will happily add it to the EverGreenCoin directory, help promote on social medias, feature in the sidebar, and support you in anyway we can. We would like to cooperate with you to grow together. You will have complete control of the content and information displayed and as you see fit. The only requirement we ask is that you be willing to accept EverGreenCoin for payment or donation and/or some knowledge of EverGreenCoin should customers or your target audience ever inquire you about it.

Please make a support ticket if you need any assistance, such as a category added.

Help Support Our Efforts

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Donations are tax deductible in the USA
and greatly appreciated from everywhere!

Putting economics to work for our ecosystem

By possessing EverGreenCoin you become the backing of EverGreenCoin. Your support in doing so helps all of our initiatives. By mining (aka 'Staking') you help even more and are rewarded for your computational work. Participants and donors are free to trade or sell EGC on the secondary markets. EverGreenCoin Foundation, Inc. does not receive any profits or financial benefits from these or any sale or trade of EGC on the secondary markets.