Friday, January 17th, 2025 07:37:53 PM EST

EverGreen Funds™

Permanently locked and staking for selected authorized efforts

EverGreen Funds

EverGreenCoin EverGreen Funds™ (EGF’s) are EverGreenCoin nodes holding EverGreenCoin that are perpetually staked for charity to selected authorized efforts’ addresses. The earned network rewards from these nodes are sent directly to the authorized effort’s address, which is periodically converted to make donations in the effort’s beneficiaries preferred currency once a donation of size is accumulated and funding allows. EverGreenCoin in EverGreen Funds are never removed out of its wallet beyond maintenance requirements, only earned network rewards are ever spent. Their balance effectively locked from circulating supply.
EGF stats are calculated and updated every 10 minutes below:

Proof of Environment Reward Pool EGF

EverGreenCoin Proof of Environment

The Proof of Environment EverGreen Fund's current balance is 242429.37618479 EGC at the wallet possessing the EverGreenCoin address EaK4jX8XyMJbPWocu2TsF14wkfZieU1ftp
PoE EGF QR code

Trumbull Soil and Water Conservation District EGF

Trumbull Soil and Water Conservation District

The Trumbull Soil and Water Conservation District EverGreen Fund's current balance is 107257.02811823 EGC at the wallet possessing the EverGreenCoin address ELV9Bo67QWgyVQhVBc3h8UCWVA1LvKEaK7

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Putting economics to work for our ecosystem

By possessing EverGreenCoin you become the backing of EverGreenCoin. Your support in doing so helps all of our initiatives. By mining (aka 'Staking') you help even more and are rewarded for your computational work. Participants and donors are free to trade or sell EGC on the secondary markets. EverGreenCoin Foundation, Inc. does not receive any profits or financial benefits from these or any sale or trade of EGC on the secondary markets.