Monday, February 10th, 2025 03:32:30 PM EST

EverGreenCoin Community Updates

to keep the community informed


EverGreenCoin Community

Every Saturday afternoon, the EverGreenCoin community has a Google Hangout to discuss developments, market trends, business matters, and to share a few chuckles. These start at 17:00 UTC and all are welcome. Microphone, video, and even participation are optional as you’re more than welcome to just observe. There is a group text chat also.

Links to the Google Hangout are tweeted prior to the start, so please follow @EverGreenCoin_ to not miss these tweets.

For help with Google Hangout, please first see

The community meetings will be unrecorded so people feel free to express opinions. These meetings are then summarized and recorded as needed in EverGreenCoin News Reports (aka Greenie Reports).

To view updates from 2018, click here. >>

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Putting economics to work for our ecosystem

By possessing EverGreenCoin you become the backing of EverGreenCoin. Your support in doing so helps all of our initiatives. By mining (aka 'Staking') you help even more and are rewarded for your computational work. Participants and donors are free to trade or sell EGC on the secondary markets. EverGreenCoin Foundation, Inc. does not receive any profits or financial benefits from these or any sale or trade of EGC on the secondary markets.