Preparing For Your Cleanup
- Wear gloves at all times.
- Dress appropriately for the weather.
- Wear sturdy footwear (no open toed shoes).
- Wear a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent.
- Be familiar with your clean up area.
During Your Cleanup
- Do not pick up needles/syringes, glass, sharp, heavy or over-sized objects or hazardous waste. Call authorities to report the location so that the item may be removed safely.
- Do not open suspicious looking containers you may find. The contents of containers, large or small, can be harmful, dangerous, and even deadly. Report suspicious looking containers / enclosures to authorities for inspection and proper removal.
- Do not compress garbage or reach into containers with hands or feet.
- Do not wade into the water to retrieve items.
- Do not walk on roadways or steep hills and embankments.
- Do only pick up litter during daylight hours.
- Do try to work with a partner or group and carry a cell phone.
- Remember to stay hydrated.
- Do not trespass on private property.
- Have fun!
After Your Cleanup
- Wash your hands thoroughly after your clean up.
- Submit pictures or video of your effort to Proof of Environment and be rewarded the first of the following month.