Thursday, April 18th, 2024 10:27:33 AM EST



  • Jirka became a registered member 6 years, 1 month ago

    • Hello and welcome! 🙂

      • Steve hello, thank you for your emails and please can you help me more?? can i have a more question?

        • Yes, I have responded. Sorry for the communication gap. I thought it was sorted and I had went to sleep. For future reference and for the fastest support, please make a support ticket at

          • Now it is 3 days and my app isn´t still unsynchronized 🙁 and money still didn´t come…

            • If you are using an Android device or you have not left the app running it will take a long time to sync to the network. I have had an Android take over one week to synchronize with the network. EGC is planning on developing a lighter wallet that does not stake to bypass this wait for people interested buying and selling with EGC quickly after discovering it. Creating a staking system that was as low energy and as fair as possible was a top priority.

Putting economics to work for our ecosystem

By possessing EverGreenCoin you become the backing of EverGreenCoin. Your support in doing so helps all of our initiatives. By mining (aka 'Staking') you help even more and are rewarded for your computational work. Participants and donors are free to trade or sell EGC on the secondary markets. EverGreenCoin Foundation, Inc. does not receive any profits or financial benefits from these or any sale or trade of EGC on the secondary markets.