Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 07:52:10 PM EST

Greenhouse / Community food donations / Winter Greenhouse


EverGreenCoin Forums EGC Gardens Greenhouse / Community food donations / Winter Greenhouse

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  • #2375
    Crypto Bullion

    Hello again EGC community, inspired again from my past ambitions meeting the EGC community efforts I am looking to add another project to my long term goals. The idea is pretty basic to start however if I get through the full list of ideas I have for this it will be extremely advanced 1 year from now or sooner.

    Im in north eastern USA, so winters are cold. Hence my decision to go with a sturdy greenhouse such as this one.
    I also deal with very high winds in this area so a fabric greenhouse I fear will end up in shreds, or blow away in pieces to a nearby river.

    Basic highlights for what I would like to accomplish, in a loose order of priority:
    1, build and garden inside a stable greenhouse environment using nothing but renewable energy methods
    2, solar / geothermal for climate control inside the greenhouse for longer seasons, and possibly year round production.
    3, donate to start roughly 30% of the produce to the local community (more as I expand and stabilize)
    4, sell a portion of produce fresh at a farmers market to cover expansion (encouraging payment VIA EGC, and 1 or 2 other select tokens)
    5, heat the greenhouse in the winter with dedicated computational biology research computers, powered via solar

    This is rather small scale concept of the potential big picture here. It will be more of a proof of concept and learning experience to efficiently expand when ready.

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