Sunday, February 16th, 2025 10:16:47 AM EST

Proof of Environment


December 2024 PoE Accepted Work Shares

Viewing 30 posts - 1 through 30 (of 30 total)
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  • #26545

    Title: Growing Cabbage – 2024-11-29

    Location: Africa

    Description: Our cabbage seedlings are now ready to plant we need your support to fight against hunger. Together we can make change and see how our family can get food. Original Post on FB:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EUZN6zqPNZkyoyXwYgzE7Em7SfUJCacex3

    By: Musa Lee (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing ‘sukamaweek’ – 2024-11-29

    Location: Africa

    Description: Fire hunger from your house
    Let us grow sukamaweek for a better life by investing your money in farming
    Sukamaweek is a sweetable vagetable that gives us vitamin A, B and c to nourish your body. Original Post on FB:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EUZN6zqPNZkyoyXwYgzE7Em7SfUJCacex3

    By: Musa Lee (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing tomatoes – 2024-11-29

    Location: Uganda, Africa

    Description: I’m so proud of having a big chamber of tomatoes in nakivale. Tomatoes are beneficial to everyone. It decorates food and gives us different vitamins. let us grow tomatoes. Original Post on FB:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EUZN6zqPNZkyoyXwYgzE7Em7SfUJCacex3

    By: Musa Lee (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing ‘Kacholima’ chillies – 2024-11-29

    Location: Africa

    Description: Growing Kacholima kind of chillies that are also good in soil fertility and commercial purposes. Original Post on FB:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EWs2bC6TDjCUT81X8xjnzHfqgcai3zJ9GZ

    By: Jonas Fadweck (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Banana Tree plant

    Location: Kawagumba village community farming project

    Description: This picture is about the environment plant which is call banana tree plant this banana tree plant is a types of verity of plant which takes 6 to 8 months to be ready for maturity, this plant is doing well in a good lomy soil types, it is free from the crops diseases, no labour activity requires.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EP8AH6FhfQbjCRmHRMXoWSwgNffY3ANvC6

    By: John Khawa and Tobias

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Rice – 2024-11-30

    Location: Africa

    Other Information: Now time to harvest our rice let us fight against hunger rice is for everyone dear please your support is need to change the world no matter what. Original Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EUZN6zqPNZkyoyXwYgzE7Em7SfUJCacex3

    By: Musa Lee (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Chilis in waste – 2024-11-30

    Location: Africa

    Other Information: Growth of chilli in waste object real we can grow a lot of crops in scraps. Original FB Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EUZN6zqPNZkyoyXwYgzE7Em7SfUJCacex3

    By: Musa Lee (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Onions – 2024-11-30

    Location: Africa

    Other Information: Our onions 🌰 are now ready to be used .
    We are thrilled greatful that onions are known every where .Grow more onions to feed the world .
    In Nskivale onions are some how expensive than other Ingredients
    What about where you are ? Original FB Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EXVyy8EFPrysLRJijeC9KLQMaJ4VDvALqs

    By: Jean Peter (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Tomatoes – 2024-11-30

    Location: Africa

    Other Information: All started from here
    I grew tomatoes 🍅 as my favorite 😍 Ingredient
    Some people eat raw tomatoes 🍅 and others don’t.
    However I’m among those who eat raw tomatoes 🍅 😋
    Come and see what tomatoes are grown in Nakivale. Original FB Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EXVyy8EFPrysLRJijeC9KLQMaJ4VDvALqs

    By: Jean Peter (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Lettuce – 2024-11-30

    Location: Africa

    Other Information: Our lettuce is now growing well .
    And now we are waiting for time of transplanting them
    Do you know about Lettuce ?
    This vegetable is important for human beings growth .
    In Nakivale some people grow this vegetables. Original FB Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EXVyy8EFPrysLRJijeC9KLQMaJ4VDvALqs

    By: Jean Peter (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Waterfall Area Cleanup

    Location: Newton Falls, Ohio, USA

    Other Information: Handful of snow covered litter removed from the beautiful waterfall area.

    EGC address to be rewarded:

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: Avocados Producing Fruit – 2024-12-05

    Location: Africa

    Description: We are thrilled to announce that our avocado tree is producing fruit. This accomplishment is a testament to our dedication to providing optimal growing conditions.
    “To ensure a bountiful harvest, we maintain a consistent watering schedule, fertilize regularly, and prune the tree to promote healthy growth. Our avocado tree benefits from a mild winter and hot summer climate, which aligns with its ideal growing conditions.
    “When harvesting avocados, we check for the following indicators:
    – Color: Avocados typically turn from green to a darker green or nearly black.
    – Softening: Gently squeezing the fruit; a ripe avocado will yield to pressure.
    – Stem: Checking the stem; a ripe avocado’s stem will come off easily.
    “We are excited to enjoy our homegrown avocados and explore various recipes to showcase their unique flavor and nutritional benefits.
    Original Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EUZN6zqPNZkyoyXwYgzE7Em7SfUJCacex3

    By: Musa Lee (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Spinach – 2024-12-05

    Location: Africa

    Description: “Our spinach crop has yielded its first harvest, and we anticipate continued production as the rainy season commences. The increased moisture will likely enhance the growth and development of our spinach plants.
    “The rainy season presents an ideal opportunity for our spinach crop to thrive. We look forward to a bountiful harvest and the opportunity to incorporate fresh, nutritious spinach into our meals.” Original FB Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EUZN6zqPNZkyoyXwYgzE7Em7SfUJCacex3

    By: Musa Lee (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Sorghum – 2024-12-05

    Location: Africa

    Description: sorghum : a pathway to a better life for Nakivale families.
    In nakivale, we recognize the potential of sorghum to transform the lives of our families. As the resilient and adoptable crops, sorghum offers numerous benefits that align with our community’s goals. Original FB Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EUZN6zqPNZkyoyXwYgzE7Em7SfUJCacex3

    By: Musa Lee (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Kale – 2024-12-05

    Location: Africa

    Description: “The Significance of Kale in Our Garden
    “Kale is a nutrient-rich crop that has become a valuable addition to our garden. This versatile leafy green offers numerous benefits, making it an excellent choice for our agricultural endeavors.
    “The advantages of cultivating kale in our garden include:
    1. *High nutritional value*: Kale is an excellent source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
    2. *Climate resilience*: Kale is a hardy crop that can thrive in a variety of environmental conditions.
    3. *Pest and disease resistance*: Kale has natural defenses against common pests and diseases.
    4. *Economic benefits*: Kale is a marketable crop, providing an opportunity for economic growth.
    5. *Culinary versatility*: Kale can be prepared in a variety of ways, making it a valuable addition to our culinary traditions. Original FB Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EUZN6zqPNZkyoyXwYgzE7Em7SfUJCacex3

    By: Musa Lee (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Beans – 2024-12-05

    Location: Africa

    Description: Growth of green beans. I really like being a farmer. it makes me connected to the soil. Original FB Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EUZN6zqPNZkyoyXwYgzE7Em7SfUJCacex3

    By: Musa Lee (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Local vegetables

    Location: Kawagumba village

    Description: Local community farmers always we love to plant many local vegetables fo our community this pictures is represented the local verity vegetables we are mostly doing well in our soil, the crop is doing well in lomy soil that is why this crops is looking very healthy we as farmers we are always growing many different verities.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EP8AH6FhfQbjCRmHRMXoWSwgNffY3ANvC6

    By: John khawa

    PoE Score:


    Title: Treaming Flowers

    Location: Kawagumba village

    Description: The environment activities I shared is all about the proof of the activities I was working on today, as an environment spart protection, always I used to tream the flowers in many homes this work is my profession work as an environment protectors. Keeping the environment clean is very important it makes the compound look clean and tidy, so I use to do that im may homes as a workers, and again I love that work. Treaming activities should be done by a proprate machine the machine used is call secertour machine, it’s usually use up in Treaming the flowers.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EP8AH6FhfQbjCRmHRMXoWSwgNffY3ANvC6

    By: John khawa

    PoE Score:


    Title: Picking Carrots 🥕 😋

    Location: Warren, Ohio

    Other Information: At least a few are good enough for some stews this winter.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcZxA3H5HLxY5QAT6eQZgeV3e67dHLKxcj

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: Tomatoes farm

    Location: Kawagumba village community farming project

    Other Information: Today I want to talk about this an environment picture from our village, this pictures is represented the tomatoes farm plant from the kawagumba village community farming project, this types of verity is called caljey it is a good verity to be planting in the lomy soil. It grows 80 to 100 cm long, it is resistant from many deasese this verity it takes 2 and a half months for ready for havest.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EP8AH6FhfQbjCRmHRMXoWSwgNffY3ANvC6

    By: John khawa

    PoE Score:


    Title: Waterfall Area Cleanup

    Location: Newton Falls, Ohio

    Other Information: A few handfuls of litter removed.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcZxA3H5HLxY5QAT6eQZgeV3e67dHLKxcj

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: Flowering stages in tomatoes plant

    Location: Kawagumba village community farming project

    Other Information: Description of this picture is all about the environment work from the location of the kawagumba village community, we experience experience this stage as a flowering stage stage, always farmers do to plant tomatoes plant, tomatoes produced flower fast before fruit stage, flowering stage it a period of fruits, in that stage tomatoes needs proper management in the farm, we are are doing that for good fruits yield.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EP8AH6FhfQbjCRmHRMXoWSwgNffY3ANvC6

    By: John khawa

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Saffron… the world’s most expensive spice!

    Location: Sierra Vista, AZ (USA)

    Other Information: I’d recently become curious about Saffron, and decided to buy some on Etsy. Needless to say, the experience was horrible.  It smelled and tasted nasty (smelled like plastic vinyl and tasted like pool water!). So, figuring Saffron could not POSSIBLY actually smell and taste like that (I suspect improper handling/storage), I decided to grow my own. Needless to say, after harvesting and drying, I was happily greeted by a much more neutral smell/taste.
    Saffron is not expensive because it’s rare or difficult to grow. It’s expensive because it’s VERY time consuming to harvest and requires so many threads (stamens) to produce even a small amount. The five blossoms (15 threads/stamens) I got this year (shortly after the corms sprouted this fall) produced just enough Saffron for me to confirm or refute my prior smell/taste experience. Next year may even have more!

    EGC address to be rewarded: EHhcertpXZkpbJSZ3Q3nYm6ZRtxe6FiTnU

    By: Luposian

    PoE Score:


    Title: Tree seedlings 🌱

    Location: Kawagumba village community farming project.

    Other Information: The picture is very clearly captured from the environment work activities, it’s represented the local verity of trees seedlings 🌱 we created. This tree 🌳 seedlings are very small seedlings which are ready for planting trees seedlings are very easy to maintain and protected,normally we as farmers we like to create more trees 🌳 seedlings in our community, we do this in order to improve climatic solution within the kawagumba village community, so that they can be able to get seedlings in a low price.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EP8AH6FhfQbjCRmHRMXoWSwgNffY3ANvC6

    By: John khawa

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Spinach – 2024-12-28

    Location: Africa

    Other Information: Spinach is ready to be used. Growing Spinach can enhance food security at your home. In kashojwa B we grow Spinach for home uses. Original Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EXVyy8EFPrysLRJijeC9KLQMaJ4VDvALqs

    By: Jean Peter (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Growing Cabbage – 2024-12-21

    Location: Africa

    Other Information: Cabbages are growing in kashojwa village. I made a trial of cabbages F1 and after one one and half month here is what I got.
    The rain challenged us but we were able to succeed this process. Original Post:

    EGC address to be rewarded: EXVyy8EFPrysLRJijeC9KLQMaJ4VDvALqs

    By: Jean Peter (Author), Andrew G. Stanton (PoE Team Admin)

    PoE Score:


    Title: Drought effects

    Location: Kawagumba village community farming project

    Other Information: Description, is all about the environment work , we’re affected by drought in our village that’s that’s reason why im sharing this type of photos, so that you get more information about our village community how we really need more water in our community to sustain the crops in our village garden.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EP8AH6FhfQbjCRmHRMXoWSwgNffY3ANvC6

    By: Kawagumba village community farming project

    PoE Score:


    Title: Reuse!

    Other Information: A friend gave us an old Christmas ornament. The needles on it had become dry and it was falling apart. We reused the small ornaments from it and put them on a different ornament, rather than them going to the land fill.

    EGC address to be rewarded: EQ7NjUeEbNeAXNzsTuFZTAYLdaa4S5tLik

    By: Mel & Steve

    PoE Score:


    Title: Restoring an old toy

    Other Information: My sister had an old broken child’s toy. I screwed the pieces back together so my nieces and nephews could still play with it.🦒

    EGC address to be rewarded: EU1RQcU43WztadsYoSoeukLaJPARjyMF3d

    By: Eric

    PoE Score:


    Title: Starting Herbs

    Other Information: Started some herbs indoors. I hope they do well!

    EGC address to be rewarded: EcZxA3H5HLxY5QAT6eQZgeV3e67dHLKxcj

    By: Steve

    PoE Score:

Viewing 30 posts - 1 through 30 (of 30 total)
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