EverGreenCoin T-Shirt Design Competition Crowdfund

EverGreenCoin T-Shirt Design Competition Crowdfund

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EverGreenCoin T-Shirt Design Competition Crowdfund

Sold By : EverGreenCoin® Category:


EverGreenCoin is making a new T-Shirt design.  Community members are encouraged to make designs and submit their best design.  The final design will be picked at one of the EverGreenCoin community meetings by the members who attend.  The winning design will be put into production and will be available for purchase.  The winner of the design competition will receive a free T-Shirt to thank them for their efforts.

This crowdfund is to pay for the first production run of these T-Shirts after a winner design is selected. These are being made to give winners of the monthly raffles another option, other than the EverGreenCoin Cannabis T-shirt, and to be used for future promotions also.

Direct EverGreenCoin donations or stake for charity to EGC address: EUnTx5ykQqkmve4asii5auHJtA8CR3GrgR

T shirt design crowdfund QR code

T shirt design crowdfund QR code

Funded progress: Time remaining:

(If you have a t-shirt design to enter, please see the bounties. The winning design will be selected August 12th)

Total Backers1
Total Sum$500.00
Start DateJuly 8, 2017
End DateSeptember 30, 2017
Time RemainingThe campaign ended 7 years, 4 months, 11 days, 15 hours, 39 minutes, 15 seconds ago
Time Remaining

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